Dinnerladies Wiki

Tony Martin (played by Andrew Dunn), was the manager of the canteen at HWD Components.

Pre-Canteen Life

Tony had been married for an unspecified period of time before going through a divorce. Other aspects of Tony's life, such as his childhood, are unknown.


Tony was a firm character but was very loving too. He found himself having to endure the bizarre conversations of his female colleagues and sometimes had to use a "fag break" as an excuse to leave. He aspired to do more in his life, other than work in a canteen.

In the Canteen

Tony was the manager of the canteen at HDW Components and found himself managing a team of women. Whilst working there, he found himself battling with cancer and took a short while off from work. He was quickly replaced with a horrid replacement until resuming his duties mere days after leaving. He found himself falling in love with his deputy manager, Brenda Furlong, and invited her to the Christmas party. This was short lived as Bren's mother forced Bren to take her instead of Tony.

On the 5th August 1999, Tony planned a holiday with Bren to Marbella, which was also ruined when Bren's mother's caravan blew up. Bren, out of the goodness of her heart, gave the money to her mother instead to buy a new caravan. At some point after the 23rd December, he decided to take Bren on holiday to his friend's in Scotland over the Christmas days.

After returning to work some days later, Tony told Bren that he loved her and they both gave a relationship a go. He told her that he wanted to move to Scotland with her permanently but Bren had second thoughts about leaving her job. She also faced the challenge of what to do about her mother. After the passing of Bren's mother, the news of the firm's canteen closing and the sudden inheritance, Bren and Tony decided to move to Scotland.
